Mittwoch, 19. November 2008

Autoindustrie: Der Niedergang des vierten Kondratieff Jochen Röpke 17.November 2008
Die Automobilindustrie liegt danieder. Basisinnovative, energie-ökologische und konjunkturelle Faktoren wirken zusammen. Daß die Basisinnovation Automobil (4. Kondratieff) in reifen Industrieländern seit Jahren ausgereizt ist, ist eigentlich als bekannt. Die Interventionen der Autokanzler und US-Präsidenten ändern daran wenig. Die Evaluierung des Management der Konzerne und der sie Beratenden können wir dem Markt und den Kräften der schöpferischen Zerstörung überlassen. Zum Niedergang der US-Industrie möchte ich auf einen Artikel von Rick Newman erweisen: The Autos and Mentality That Ruined Detroit seekingalpha, 16. November 2008 Er zeigt für uns die bemerkenswerte Erosion der Vorstellungskraft (Visionslosigkeit) der Automanager seit den Tagen von Henry Ford.
Ford Model T
The global financial crisis is suffocating the Detroit automakers, but the problems at General Motors (GM), Ford (F), and Chrysler have been festering for years—even when the mighty "Big Three" were earning billions. Aging factories, inflexible unions, arrogant executives and shoddy quality have all damaged Detroit. Now, with panicky consumers fleeing showrooms, catastrophe looms: Without a dubious federal bailout, all three automakers face the prospect of bankruptcy. There will be plenty of business-school case studies analyzing all the automakers' wrong turns. But, as they say in the industry, it all comes down to product. So here are ten cars that help explain the demise of Detroit. Quelle: Seeking Alpha

China Launches “Mega Program” to Fund Drug Development

Publication date: Nov 9, 2008 China has instituted a mammoth new drug development program that could be worth up to $10 billion, with the goal of stimulating a first-rank, innovative drug development industry in China. The “Mega New Drug Development Program” is the first government funding program to focus solely on new drug development. Funding will be spread over a total of thirteen years with the initial 6.6 billion RMB (nearly $1 billion) going to projects that are begun from now through 2010. Chinabiotoday.

It is important to note that the Mega programs exist in addition to the National 863 and 973 Programs, as well as the $584 billion stimulus program China announced this week to address the current slowdown. The stimulus program could also have a sizable effect on China biopharma, but at this point, it is not clear how much of the $584 billion of stimulus will find its way to the drug sector. Seeking Alpha, China Biotech in Review: Earnings Week, 17. November 2008.

Zum chinesischen Wachstumsprogramm von $ 584 Mrd. siehe: Mafexpundit, „Depression“ vom 17. November.

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